Take Action to Remove the Lower Snake River Dams
The Snake River system used to have some of the highest returns of salmon and steelhead in North America. That is no longer the case. Action is needed NOW. To ensure we have steelhead and salmon for the rest of our generation and for the next, it is vital to get involved today. The lower four lower Snake River dams should be removed. Tell Congress to take the lead and create on an economic development package that takes down the lower four dams and prioritizes a rebuilding of the Pacific Northwest economy.
The worst Snake River salmon and steelhead returns in over 200 years.
From our friends at Trout Unlimited:
Over the past 25 years, the Snake basin has averaged less than two returning adults for every 100 smolt. Biologists from Oregon and Idaho, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and various tribes estimate that Snake River dam breaching will increase smolt-to-adult return ratios by four times.
Taking out the four lower Snake River dams would return 140 miles of habitat to a naturally functioning river and significantly reduce the time it takes for smolts to make it to the ocean.
Get involved today and tell Congress to take action.

About Trout Unlimited
Trout Unlimited is the nation's leading organization dedicated to conserving and restoring coldwater fisheries and their watersheds. Through science-based programs, advocacy, and education, Trout Unlimited works to ensure healthy and sustainable fisheries for future generations.