The Healing Power of Fly Fishing: Warriors and Quiet Waters

onWater Team
June 18, 2024
7 min read

The Healing Power of Fly Fishing: Warriors and Quiet Waters

onWater Team
June 18, 2024
7 min read
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We are proud to support the ongoing and very impactful work of Warriors and Quiet Waters. Based in Bozeman, Montana but with programs throughout the country, Warriors & Quiet Waters empowers post-9/11 combat veterans and their loved ones to thrive and live purpose-driven lives through peak experiences in nature, meaningful relationships, and a sense of community.

Recently Mountain Gazette writer Hannah Truby spent some with Warriors and Quiet Waters at the TREAD Agency’s annual River Summit. at Montana's Madison Valley Ranch.

From the article:

As we bobbed and trolled our way down the Madison, Jesse LeNeve (WQW's Director of Program Operations) explained to me that WQW, a volunteer-run nonprofit, seeks to help post-9/11 combat veterans in their transition from service back to civilian life through outdoor experiences in and around the Bozeman area.

"It's incredible", he'd said. "The way they utilize nature's natural healing - somethin' to do with the brain's beta waves." While he himself had never served, Jesse’s passion for the organization was incontestable.

I reached out to Jesse after the Summit, wanting to know more. Because he himself had never served, Jesse put me in touch with someone who had.

Nathan Ellis is a veteran and WQW alum, who served with the 3rd Ranger Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment. Army.

“I grew up in Ohio, but I always had this real affinity towards the West,” Ellis told me on our call. “I’d never fly fished, but I had this image of it, and the West. One of my buddies was really involved with WQW, and I’d always see his photos online. One day he says, ‘you gotta come check this out. So I did.”

Read the entire article here.