Six Tips for Backing a Boat Trailer at the Boat Ramp
Using a boat is a great way to find and explore more places to fish near you. From the mighty rivers of the West to the smaller tailwater fisheries and intimate waters of the Southeast, using a floating craft to access more water near you for fishing is crucial to success. And since you have to drive your vehicle with your trailer to most rivers, creeks, and lakes for fly fishing near you, mastering your boat ramp trailer-backing is a vital skill.
Here are Six Tips for Backing a Boat Trailer at the Boat Ramp
Practice, practice, practice BEFORE you get to the ramp. Head to an empty parking lot and just practice. Use your mirrors. Take lots of attempts. Do you think a Major League baller hasn't spent hours practicing. Don't waste your fishing time learning to back at the boat ramp. Practice ahead of time.
Check your surroundings and the ramp before backing. Always walk around the ramp before you back in. Know how quickly it gets deep. Know how much area you have to turn around to start your approach. And always watch for onlookers or others playing around at the ramp.
Go slow and do it right the first time. Never rush the backing down. Also be sure your boat is fully secured until you are ready to push it off the trailer. Take your time and do it right the first time.
Opposite is right. This is tricky until you have practice it enough and it becomes second nature. The direction you turn the steering wheel is going to be the opposite direction that the boat trailer will track. This takes time but you have to master it.
If you are fishing a lake that has a dock, use the dock as a guide. If you are backing down a boat into a lake with a dock, you can use the dock to help keep you straight.
Lastly, and most importantly, engage your parking brake once you stop. This is perhaps the most important tip. Perhaps even more so than practicing your backing. Because no matter how much you practice and how sweet and fast you get in and get out, if your truck ends up in the drink because you didn't engage your parking break, you could end up Instagram famous for all the wrong reasons!
Going fishing is all about having fun. But there are some skills that are just essential. One of these main skills is being able to safely and efficiently back down a boat trailer.
Be sure to read onWater fishing blog posts to plan better and fish smarter and get more out of your fishing.
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